In siddha system of medicine,each and every medicine described,are with indication,contraindication and diet regimen to follow.It was said that one should follow Kadumpathyam (Strict regimen) while taking MELUGU
Piles Pathiyam Period Pathiyam Bethy Marunthu Pathiya Murivu What is Pazhaiya Kanji? S.M. Pathiyam Pancha Sotha MeluguRestricted Food (தவிர்க்க வேண்டிய உணவு பொருட்கள்)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Melugu Paththiyam Dinner side dish
Beans masala for chapati
Melugu Paththiyam Lunch
Melugu Paththiyam Lunch Pirattal
கலியுக மெழுகால் தீரும் நோய்கள்
Kaliyuga mezhugu (after finishing marupathiyam)
40 days food and behavior restrictions.
கலியுக மெழுகின் மறு பத்தியம் முடிந்த பிறகும் 40 நாட்கள் என்ன வெல்லாம் செய்ய கூடாது?
Kaliyuga Mezhugu enum perumarunthu pathiya murivu
3 1/2 days plus 3 1/2 days
8 th day pathiya murivu
7 1/2 days plus 7 1/2 days
16 th day pathiya murivu
Take Oil bath ,scrub hair with omam and pazaya kanji water and take hot water bath.
8 th day and 9 th day
17 th day and 18 th day
Take normal Vegetarian food
Pls remember to follow (pothu pathiyam)
General food restrictions
Kaliyuga Mezhugu Pathiya Murivu Voice