Sinusitis 9

Sinusitis is present when the tissue lining the sinuses become swollen or inflamed, is inflammation of the mucous membrane that lines the sinuses resulting in symptoms. 76 types of sinus in siddha.

     Sinusitis 9-Sneezing      Asthmatic      Phlegm 96 types

What is Sinus?

A Sinus is a hollow, air filled cavity.

Humans have four pairs of sinuses.

1) Frontal sinus (forehead Pain)
2) Maxillary sinus (behind cheeks )
3) Ethmoid sinus ( between the eyes)
4) Sphenoid sinus (deep behind the ethmoids)

The 4 pairs of sinuses are often described as a unit and termed as a "paranasal sinuses"

A sinus infection occurs when a pathogenic microorganism (virus, bacterium or a fungus) grows within a sinus.


What is Sinus in Siddha?

Mookadaipu is divided into 9 types and is as follows:

1.Vazhi mookadaipu

Vaatha Peenisam (Wind humour)


  • Itching nose
  • Irritation in nose
  • Dryness of the nose
  • Frequent sneezing
  • Running nose
  • Pain in eyes
  • Eye allergy
  • Eye redness
  • Headache
  • Tooth ache
  • Dryness of mouth
  • Diminished voice
  • Smell less mucous oozes out from Nose
  • Fatigue.

Vazhi mookadaippu or known as vaatha peenisam is non allergic sinusitis.

2.Azhal mookadaipu

Nasal congestion in azhal mookkadaippu closely resemble the symptoms of Sinusitis.

The following symptoms are mentioned under these types in siddha literature. Pithta peenisam (Bile humour)


  • Fever
  • Reddening of nasal mucosa
  • Increased thirst
  • Nasal block
  • Purulent mucous from nose
  • Yellow mucous with bad smell
  • Decreased sensation mental instability.

3.Iyam mookadaipu

lyam: Headache, tears, reddening of eyes

irritating pain in nose, white nasal drainage, continuous cough, and intermittent expulsion of mucous, purulent or bloody sputum. Silethtuma Peenisam (Phlegm humour)


  • Nostrils blocked alternately
  • Clean fluids flow from nostrils
  • Occasionally a bit mucous may flow
  • Pricking pain present

4.Neer (watery) mookadaipu


  • Nasal stuffiness
  • Watery discharge when exposed to cold or dust
  • Mild fever
  • Head ache
  • laziness
  • Neck pain
  • ervical pain
  • Pain in limbs.

Neer can be compared to non-infective oCr allergic sinusitis

5.Kuruthi (bleeding) mookadaipu

The other types mentioned under peenisam or mookadaipu are more related with the clinical features of rhinitis.


  • Redness in nasal lining
  • Bleeding
  • Discharge of mucus from nose
  • Pain in nose
  • Irritation in nose
  • Pain in head
  • Pain in neck
  • Pain in jaw
  • Burning sensation in eyes
  • Tastelessness
  • No appetite
  • Blood oozes from the nose

6.Seel (pus) mookadaipu


  • Nasal block
  • Mucus discharge with bad smell from nose
  • Frequent sneezing
  • Loss of smell sensation
  • Pus comes from the nose
  • Headache due to inflammation
  • Excessive heat in the bodyl

7.Sirai (lower) mookadaipu


  • Ulcers inside nose
  • Pits in the nasal septum
  • Loss of appetite
  • Constart headache
  • Discharge of mucus along with decayed nasal tissue
  • The decayed nasal tissues will look like a solid substances of the size of garlic

8.Moolai (nasal polyp) mookadaipu


  • Mass inside nose that looks like kambalipoochi (caterpillar) and yanai thippili (Piper longum) resulting in nasal block
  • Headache and discharge of mucus and often blood.

9.Kazhuthu (neck) mookadaipu (that which is associated with throat


  • It occurs along with sore throat
  • Painful throat,
  • Frequent sneezing,
  • Mucus drainage from nose
  • Theese sinusitis symp more related with the clinical features of rhinitis.


Treatment in Sidtha

In Siddha under many circumstances sinusitis are treated without need for surgery except for sinusitis that arises out of any physical damage or deviated septum.

In Siddha Medicine, both internal and external Siddha treatments are approached to treat this disease.

Both Herbs and metallic medicines, single drug or compound drug are employed in preparing the medicines to treat sinusitis. Depending upon the type and severity of the sinusitis, the appropriated therapies and medicines are administered to cure sinusitis without any surgical correction and side effects.

Preventive measures like lifestyle changes, food to avoid etc are advised for patients to prevent recurrence, as the suffers of sinusitis are more prone to the next one.


External therapies for sinusitis in Siddha Medicine

1. களிம்பு/Paste

2. Lime salt an turmeric oinment as forehead paste

3. Neerkovai Mathirai as patru (நீர்க்கோவை மாத்திரை)

4. Sukku and milk paste for forehead

5. Oils for head massage

  • Shalo oil
  • Peenisa thailam
  • Whitania Oil
  • Zingiber oil
  • Migraine oil

6. Nasal application oils Nasiyam (நசியம்)

  • Sirabala 101
  • Agasthiar nasiyam
  • Naasigaabaranam (நாசிகாபரணம்)
  • Anu thailam

7. Insuffulation.
Oodhal (ஊதல்) – Blowing.

8. Heat therapy -Steam Inhalation. (வேதுபிடித்தல்) 

  • Tendral
  • Sinusitis fresh herbs
  • Sinusitis dry herbs

9. Eye drops - Kalikkam


Tips to Prevent Sinusitis

Mind the air.

viral and bacterial infections of sinusitis
Stay away from pollution to protect yourself from viral infections.

Abstain from dust and toxic chemicals, which can trigger auto immune attack.
Also severe air pollution ruptures mucus membranes to give rise to sinusitis.
Outbreak of allergic Sinusitis is more in particular season, so take care in preparing for allergic pollens in spring and flu and cold in winter seasons.

Air conditioner.

As one infected person inside an air conditioned room is potential infective source for others. So always clean filters and ducts of air conditioners regularly. Maintain room temperature at 22-23 C .

Smoking and Sinusitis

Avoid smoking to prevent sinusitis.
Avoid smoking, as exposure to irritants like cigarette smoking or cigar smoke increases the chance of nasal allergy. Also maintain personal hygiene to avoid any infections.

Brushing Teeth

Using  Agasthiar Tantha parpodi twice a day keeps pathogen build up at bay.

Avoid contact with people who have upper respiratory infections like cold, flu.

Nutrition and Rest.

when coming to sugar based foods, take it moderately.Add organic vegetables like onion, cabbage and cauli flower.

Taking ginger and garlic in daily food minimizes the viral and bacterial infections.

Breathing Exercise.

pranayam helps reduce sinus problems and improve respiratory system
Practise Pranayama for Healthy immune system.

According to siddha medicine system, irregularity in breathing patterns are also a causative factor for growth of polyps and deformation inside the nasal cavities.

So practicing simple breathing exercises like pranayama from learned or qualified persons is a good preventive measure.