Preventive Measures
Positive Stage 1 - Adult without complication Positive Stage 1 - Child Positive Stage 2 - Adult without complication Positive Stage 2 - Child Positive Stage 3 - Adult with complication Positive Stage 3 - Child Post COVID-19Prevention is better than cure. Covid 19 pandemic has been a part of our daily lives since march 2020, but with huge number of new cases daily, it remains as important as ever to stay vigilant and know how to protect ourself from corona virus.
Besides vaccination and Virus exposure, enhancing the bodys natural defence system immunity is important in maintaining optimum health.
Siddha system of medicine is a holistic approach to combat of lifestyle disease and promotes the health in entire society.
Proper diet and life style practice can keep ourself protected from any disease.
What is sidtha lifestyle?
1) Pranayamam
Prana means breathing yama means control. Breathing control techniques are pranayamam.
2) Proper diet
What we eat and drink can affect our bodys ability to prevent fight and recover infections. Healthy and traditional Indian food may prevent Covid 19 by supporting immune system.
3.Practice yoga asanangkal
Yoga is one way you can naturally uplift our vitality without having to step out of the comfort of our home during this lockdown,
The benefit of yoga is not limited to stress relief and mental wellness only.
Yoga can recharge our body, rejuvenate, get rid of toxins, negative energy and keep our vital organ! functioning well besides boost our immune system.
Certain pores can help fight oxidative. Stress which poses a risk to the healthy cells.
4.Take adequet rest
Sleep is critical to physical health and effective functioning of the immune system.
Corona somnia is a new term that refers to sleep problems related to the pandemic.
Meditation before sleep is the answer for adequate sleep.
5.Fight fear
Chanting mantras daily can keep ourselves calm and free from anxiety problem.
6.Follow Do s and Donts
must be aware of all the Do s and Donts of coronavirus, then we can be safe from this deadly virus to a high extent.
7.Oil Bath
In ancient siddha medicine system, oil bath is known as Ennai Kuliyal. Gingely oil has specific dosha balancing properties. Regular oil bath can build resisting power of the body.
8.Nasal instillation
Application of medicated oil in to nose.
Can apply before going out from home.
9.Gargle mouth
10.Siddha Supplements
are used and renowned for their anti viral properties.
11.Siddha herbs