Agasthiar Herbal Dry Ginger

Agasthiar Herbal Dry Ginger helps to improve insulin and metabolism and also prevent inflammation from starting by reducing cell signaling activity. Ginger may help reduce symptoms of morning sickness and improving skin irritation or rashes. Effective in eliminating gas in the intestines as well as act to help in the relaxation of the tract.


மூட்டு வலியை நீக்க

சுக்கில் நோய் எதிர்ப்பு சக்தியானது அதிகம் உள்ளது. இரண்டு ஸ்பூன் சுக்குத் தூளுடன், ஒரு டம்ளர் தண்ணீர் ஊற்றி நன்றாக கொதிக்க வைத்து, வடிகட்டி அதில் சிறிதளவு தேன் கலந்து தினமும் குடித்து வந்தால் மூட்டில் ஏற்படும் வீக்கமும், மூட்டு வலியும் குணமாகும்.

What is purification?

According to Siddha doctrines, everything found in nature is having two qualities, nalvinai (good effect) and thee vinai (bad effect). Similarly the raw drugs also possess two extreme qualities like therapeutic effect, toxic effect 1. Likewise Nabhi (Aconitum ferox), a herbal poisonous rhizome commonly known as aconitum is used extensively in various Siddha formulations, with great therapeutic significance.

Dry gingger purification

Sukku suthi

Suddhi is a unique process of detoxification which is employed topotentiate as well as enhance therapeutic properties the effect of raw drugs. Nabhi (Aconitum ferox), a herbal poisonous rhizome commonly known as aconitum is used extensively in various Siddha formulations, with great therapeutic significance. Siddha system recommends the administration of Nabhi only after suddhi (purification) in different medias. Hence in this pretext one of the purification process of Nabhi mentioned in Theraiyar Yemaga Venba book gets validated scientifically with alleged reasoning through estimation of aconitine by HPTLC method and along with physicochemical parameters.The amount of Aconitine present is found to be reduced from 0.2107 % to 0.00 % after purification. In this present scenario may be presumed that the toxic compound aconitine might have been underwent transformation into some nontoxic compounds like Benzyl aconine and Aconine.