Agasthiar Peanuts Podi

Agasthiar Peanuts are collected carefully to maintain the quality of the product. Agasthiar peanuts podi are rich in protein. Reducing cholesterol and anti ageing benefit. Peanuts are rich in essential nutrients with several health benefits. Peanuts are rich in monounsaturated fats, the type of fat that is emphasized in the heart-healthy Mediterranean diet.


  • A poly-phenolic anti-oxidant resveratrol present in peanuts.
  • It prevents heart diseases.
  • The anti-oxidant resveratrol in peanuts prevents heart attack and strokes by increasing the production of nitric oxide.

  • Peanuts which is rich in vitamin E helps to maintain the integrity of cells of mucous membrane and the skin.
  • Peanuts contains B complex, niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, vitamin B6, vitamin B9, pantothenic acid etc.


Health Benefits :

Gall stone prevention

Heart health

  • Supporting heart health as it contain more healthful monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat than saturated fats.
  • Consuming 46gm of peanuts may improve heart health for people with diabetes.
  • It also contains required heart-healthy nutrients such as magnesium, niacin, copper, oleic acid and multiple antioxidants such as resveratrol

Weight loss

  • Being high in high fat and calories, peanuts does not promote weight gain
  • Infacts maitains a healthy weight and reduce risk of obesity
  • Reduce food intake as it will create fullness in stomach compare to other snacks
  • High in fiber which helps in weight loss
  • High contain of protein and monounsaturated fat will increase calorie burning

Blood sugar levels

  • Peanuts are good for people with risk of diabetes
  • Peanuts have low glycemic index (GI) where it will not cause large increase in blood sugar level.
  • Helps to control blood sugar level as it is relatively low in carbohydrate but high in protein, fat and fiber.
  • Fibre slows down digestive proccesses allowing steady release of energy and protein take longer to break down then carbohydrates which is why blood sugar level is controlled.

Brain development

  • Improves blood flow to the brain
  • Helps to reduce risk of stroke
  • Helps to improve your cognitive abilities
  • Potassium, manganese, copper, calcium, magnesium, iron, selenium and zinc are some of the minerals presents in peanuts.

Other Benefits




Satisfies Stomach

Sleep well

Mind Stress

Nutritional Value

Nutritional facts of 100 gm of Agasthiar Peanut Podi

Calorie : 567

Water : 7

Protein : 25.8 gm

Carbohydrate : 16.1 gm

Sugar 4.7 gm

Fiber : 8.5 gm

Fat : 49.2 gm

Saturated : 62.8 gm

Monounsaturated : 24.43 gm

Polyunsaturated : 15.56 gm

Omega-3 : 0 gm

Omega-6 : 15.56 gm

Trans : 0 gm


How nutrients help in our body?


  • Peanuts are high in fat consisting of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat which is a healthy fats
  • These fats can improves a persons blood cholesterol level which lowers the risk of heart disease and stroke.
  • Consuming peanuts in moderation amount gives healthy fats to the body.
  • They are also used to make peanut oil which contains Omega 6


  • High in plant based protein, offering 25.8 g per 100 gm servings of peanuts and it contains half of a person daily protein need.
  • The recommended daily allowance (RDA)  of protein in adult:

- 46 gm for women

- 56gm for men

  • It is very much essential for building and repairing body cells.

Dietary fibre

  • Good source of dieatary fiber
  • They contain 8.5 gm per 100 gm servings which is one quarter of male and one third of female daily requirement.
  • The recommended daily allowance (RDA) of dietary fiber in adult:

- 34 gm for men 

- 28 gm for women

  • Rich in fiber, improves blood cholesterol level and lowers the risk of heart disease, stroke, obesity and type 2 diabetic mellitus.

Vitamins and Minerals

  • Biotin - important during pregnancy
  • Niacin - reduce risk of heart disease
  • Folate - Converts carbohydrate into energy and extremely important during growth such infancy, adolescence and pregnancy
  • Manganese - helps in blood sugar regulation
  • Vitamin E - powerful antioxidant present in peanuts
  • Thiamine - Converts carbohydrate into energy and is essential for function of the heart, muscle and nervous system
  • Phosphorus - Growth and maintainance of body tisue
  • Magnesium - Protects against heart disease


  • p-Coumaricacid - main antioxidant in peanuts
  • resveratol - reduce risk of cancer and heart problem
  • isoflavones - reduce risk of cardiovascular disease
  • phytosterols - impair the absorption of cholesterol from your digestive tract

Who Can Consume

College Students

Nutritions contain in Agasthiar Peanut Podi helps university students in many ways.

Good for brain development : Resveratrol in peanuts increases brain blood flow.

Energy: Peanuts contain good fat which can turn into greater source of energy

Menstrual period regulation : The amount of folic acid present in peanuts combats lose of blood during menstruation


Children suffering from constipation can consume peanuts as it contains high fibre. Soluble fiber allows more water to remain in your stool, making waste softer, larger, and easier to pass through your intestine.

Agasthiar Peanut Podi is very tasty and the child will love to eat, this will ease parents problem if the child is refusing to eat.

Everyone can consume Agasthiar Peanut Podi as it is naturally healthy.

How to consume?

Heart patient : 1 tbl of Agasthair Peanut Podi with hot steamed rice and 1tsp Agasthiar Maracekku Gingelly Oil

Children : 1 tbl of Agasthiar Peanut Podi with hot steamed rice and 1 tbl nattu pasu nei

In case of stomach bloating : 1 tbl of Agasthiar Peanut Podi with hot steamed rice and 1 tsp of vellekanai

Others: Can consume in any method as it take less time for preparation

Evidence of Ancestors using Peanuts

Mahatma Gandhiji Experiments with Food

Gandhiji ever disapproved the traditional methods of cooking. He thought that there was no need to cook food on fire. 

In olden days our ancestors consume more raw foods compare to traditionally cooked food. Gandhiji was carrying with him a covered tin of groundnut paste which was  called his 'butter' and when he sat down to eat, he devvoured alot of plantains with this groundnut butter.

We invite you to try eating like Mahatma Gandhiji, eat Agasthiar Peanut Podi with hot rice.


Virunthombal (Hospitality of Indian Culture)

Back in those days, every house in tamilnadu is built with 'thinnai' (porch).

Any people who travels long distance feels tired will go and sit in the porch and people in the house will treat him with any food available in the house. He can use the porch to rest and when he feels ready he will resume his journey.

That is how Agasthiar Peanut Podi will help everyone by being great hospitality for everyone who visits your home.  


200 gm    RM  35.00


This article does not intend to replace the in person consultation. The facts are for general purpose and public awareness only, and must not be taken as Medical Consultation in any form. For a consultation, treatment and specific queries, you need to contact your healthcare professional.

Not for Medico legal purposes.

The Siddha medicines are manufactured with compliance of all mandatory regulation of Siddhars.

The Products are produced with extra care and concern.