
In Siddha medicine, stress is viewed as an imbalance or disturbance in the bodys vital energies, known as doshas. There are three primary doshas which are Vatha, Pithta, and Kapha. Stress is believed to occur when these doshas are disrupted, leading to physical, mental, and emotional strain. The role of stress in the Aetiology of several diseases is well recognized in Siddha science and modern medicine. The stress is known as Manomayakosam . Manomayakosam by causing manobayam (loss of immunity) increases the susceptibility of the body to various diseases. Stress management in Siddha medicine focuses on restoring harmony and balance within the body, mind, and spirit. It involves a holistic approach that encompasses various practices to alleviate stress and promote overall well-being.

     Depression      Insomia      Stress      Menopause      Constipation      Anxiety      Gastric Pain      Acidity Body
